Plastic Fusion Systems

The complete plastic repair station system

The systems

We offer three different units which also make the different repair stations.

Plastic Fusion Pro Station (10400)

Plastic Fusion Pro Unit with internal tacker, internal compressor, external air attachment (higher air volume) and nitrogen attachment.

Plastic Fusion Business Station (10450)

Plastic Fusion Business Unit with internal compressor, external air attachment (higher air volume) and nitrogen attachment.

Plastic Fusion Eco Station (10470)

Plastic Fusion Eco Unit with an internal compressor.

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The plastic fusion repair systems are aimed at bringing a complete plastic repair solution. They offer all solutions for all types of plastic from welding to the chemical repair method.

It starts with an integrated tacker system and it offers several welding solutions including nitrogen welding. The combination of the fusion unit and the newly designed welding strips makes the repair of thermoplastics easy.

Also important is to have a clear repair process and therefore we added the perfect two-speed grinder and a plastic vice. The finish can be done with the new skim coat to reduce the repair time. Next, to that, we also offer the chemical repair system for any thermoset material to be repaired.

The Units

There are three different versions to choose from. The top-of-the-line model, the Pro Unit, has an integrated tacker with three power levels to choose from. The unit has three fusion options:

  • Internal compressor
  • External compressor attachment (more air volume)
  • Nitrogen for a cleaner welding

The second version we call the Business Unit. It has the same features but it doesn’t have the tacker.

The third version we call the Eco Unit. It doesn’t offer the additional air connection and the nitrogen connection.

The Trolley

The trolley has three high-quality drawers which allow stowing the tools and components. On the side, the tools can be hooked to, which allows for a clear working process. If desired the nitrogen bottle holder can be attached.

The Tools

With the unit comes the important two-speed grinder and a special vice, which makes the repairs much easier and cleaner.

Repairing a cut or crack

Repairing a hole

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